
Syrian voices fighting for freedom and democracy

International Media Support

Debat - EU og udenrigspolitik - Kultur, medier og idræt

This year marked the 13th anniversary of the onset of the Syrian conflict. Since 2011 the Assad regime, abetted by Russia, has inflicted unspeakable brutality on the Syrian people. The conflict may be viewed as frozen by the outside world, but that is certainly not the case for many Syrians - no matter if they are still inside the country or living abroad. Possibly more than 100,000 Syrians have been disappeared, detained, tortured and killed in atrocious circumstances. Thousands upon thousands are still languishing in Assad’s jails, millions are displaced, and the Syrian regime and Russia keep bombing opposition areas with impunity While media attention and the international community has turned to other conflicts, the Syrians have been left to deal with the situation on their own. Despite dwindling international support, many Syrians continue fighting for justice and accountability. Meet some of them and hear how they are also preparing for a future Syria that is free and democratic


Sprog: Engelsk
Underholdningsevent: Nej
Tegnsprogstolkes: Nej
Teleslynge: Nej

15. juni 2024

15. juni 2024 11:15 - 12:00

Syrian voices fighting for freedom and democracy


C42 - The International Arena




Abdulrahman Almawwas

Focal Point for Accountability

The White Helmets

Lilas Fawaz Hatahet

Journalist, Content production manager

International Media Support

Assaad Al Achi

Executive Director


Celine Kassem

Director of Communications

Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF)

Ivan M. Nielsen

Former Danish Special Representative for the Syria Crisis

Good people


Sprog: Engelsk
Underholdningsevent: Nej
Tegnsprogstolkes: Nej
Teleslynge: Nej